Green Lab Futures
Green Lab Futures is a social enterprise dedicated to fostering creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship in regional Australia. Based in Warragul, Victoria, Green Lab Futures serves as a rural innovation think tank with a focus on human-centered design thinking1. The organization supports the design and growth of the regional creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship ecosystem by organizing hackathons, design jams, design sprints, and other events. Green Lab Futures also hosts the Talking Social Innovation podcast and partners with other regional social enterprises and social innovation initiatives1. As a Social Traders Certified Social Enterprise, Green Lab Futures is committed to making a positive impact on the community and promoting sustainable development.
They are also members of the Gippsland Social Enterprise Collective, Regen Gippsland, and the Victoria Bioenergy Network1. Green Lab Futures aims to inspire and empower individuals and organizations to think creatively and innovate for a better future.