Humana Spain


Humana Spain was born in 1987 and works for environmental sustainability and community development. It specializes in collecting, sorting, and selling used clothing and shoes, thus helping to avoid landfilling textile wastes, and so promoting the circular economy. Items that cannot be worn are sold to recycling companies. The money raised by their charity shops supports many types of projects: environmental awareness, urban agriculture, and local projects in Spain, and development cooperation projects in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. For their international activities, they focus on education, health, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and community development.

Humana Spain is certified under ISO 14001 and the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, attesting to the high levels of environmental and management standards it adheres to. They are members of a number of institutions such as the Asociación Española de Fundaciones and the Federación Española de la Recuperación y el Reciclaje.

Operating since 1987
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L'Ametlla del Vallès, Spain
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