SayTrees is a professionally run group of ordinary people extraordinarily determined to protect the environment not just by themselves, but also by sensitising others towards the importance of environment conservation and goading them on to participate in tree-plantation campaigns. Though it started off as a weekend pursuit in 2007 now it does more than 50 tree plantation drives in 4 months of monsoon. SayTrees spearheads a variety of initiatives including research, education, sensitisation and advocacy around the importance of environmental preservation and tree plantation. The group thrives on its vast volunteer base that runs into thousands, from young children to busy professionals, housewives and retired citizens. Today, SayTrees organizes tree plantations and water conservation projects across several Indian cities.
We pro-actively engage in identifying potential areas for plantation, keeping in mind the biodiversity and ecological milieu of the local area. We try ensuring that the local communities reap multifold benefits; besides restoring the green cover, the trees also provide them with fruits, flowers, leaves etc commonly used in the community life.
SayTrees creats Miyawaki Forest . These saplings will grow 10 times fast and the area will be 30 times more dense. This forest will be maintained for 2 years after which the forest will grow on its own. Miyawaki forest is answer to cities which are turning to concrete jungles. Small patch of forests in multiple locations within the city will act as carbon sink for the city.Fruit saplings have been planted with farmers to support them with parallel income. Farmers are taking care of fruit saplings planted in their land to benefit from the same. Farmers of 4 states have been supported so far with fruit saplings planted in their land.SayTrees is rejuvenating lakes to improve water condition. They are engaging with local communities, government authorities, and other stakeholders to gather support and input for the restoration project.Say trees implementing solar lamp projects in villages. Partnering with corporate sponsors, government bodies, and other NGOs to secure funding and resources for the solar lamp project. Providing training sessions for villagers on the installation, use, and maintenance of solar lamps.