Sprout Enterprise®
Sprout Enterprise® is an initiative of Friends of Tilonia to develop artisan enterprises in rural communities that have very few other economic options. They use indigenous skills, locally available materials, and rich cultural heritage to create very unique handmade housewares and accessories. Sprout Enterprise® provides overall support to its artisan partners by enabling them to establish and run their own enterprise, be more profitable, and rise in wages. Their services include entrepreneurial coaching and business development, product design, sales and market representation, sourcing and import facilitation, and investment through the R. I.
S. E. Artisan Fund. They ensure that fair and sustainable practices are undertaken as a verified member of the Fair Trade Federation and as a member of the Social Enterprise Alliance and the Aspen Institute Artisan Alliance. Registered as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, Sprout Enterprise® reinvests a portion of its earnings into community development initiatives, including a girls' school in rural Bihar, which further provides long-term socio-economic growth and empowerment.