Sustainable agriculture/Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA)

Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA)


UNICA (Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association) is a key organization dedicated to advancing the sugarcane sector in Brazil, the world’s largest producer of sugarcane products. It serves as a unifying voice for producers and processors, promoting sustainable practices, environmental stewardship, and economic growth. UNICA champions ethanol as a renewable energy solution, highlighting its role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing energy security. The organization also advocates for bioelectricity generated from sugarcane byproducts, contributing to cleaner energy systems. UNICA works to foster innovation, improve production efficiency, and expand the global market for sugarcane derivatives.

Committed to environmental and social responsibility, UNICA collaborates with policymakers, researchers, and international organizations to align the industry with global sustainability goals. Through its initiatives, UNICA ensures that Brazil remains a leader in renewable energy and sustainable agriculture, setting benchmarks for environmentally conscious industrial practices.

Operating since 1997
+55 11 3093-4949
Social media
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2179 - 9¡ andar, 01452-000 S‹o Paulo Brazil
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